Developing a Plan for Success Before Ground is Broken
Every construction professional recognizes the impact a building’s design has on its ease or difficulty of construction. With family roots in real estate development, we also understand the critical link between a project’s design and its long-term viability and functionality. Working closely with architectural firms, our Design/Build services provide developers with planning assistance, project design, value engineering, as well as a seamless execution of the construction itself. We help optimize structural design not only to facilitate the construction process, but for use of the building by retail tenants, residents, visitors, service personnel and others, and the relation of the project’s aesthetics to location and purpose. Our intimate familiarity with Manhattan and its unique urban environment gives us experience and capabilities no other open shop or closed shop contractor can surpass.
Bringing More Insight to the Design and More Value to the Project
Our founders, Andrew and Chip Weiss, come from a family that’s been involved with real estate development in New York for generations. This gives us a perspective on design and construction issues beyond the grasp of other construction companies. Additionally, we’re sensitive to the overall development budget and its lending parameters, another critical consideration when charting a project’s future. During the design phase, we can offer suggestions about improvements that can add value to the property from a hotel guest or condominium perspective, as well as identify design elements that can affect construction costs. Indeed, developers we work with discover that project costs decline and value increases when their architect follows our advice. That’s because we understand we’re not simply involved with a building project, but in creating an end product. If you’re considering a project in Manhattan, let Flintlock Construction Services help you develop the blueprint for its success.